Remembrance Day Ceremony took place today at St. James Cemetery & Crematorium located at 635 Parliament Street, Toronto.
The ceremony was attended by members of Toronto Police, Toronto Fire, the Queen’s Own Rifles, St. George’s Society, St. James Cemetery Wardens, as well as municipal and federal politicians.
Together, we honor and remember all of our Veterans, past and present, who have fought and continue to fight for the freedoms we enjoy in Canada.
We will forever be grateful.
Lest we forget
We are in season of Saints, Souls, and Soldiers!
Join us to commemorate Remembrance Day.
Monday, November 11 at 11:00am at St. James Cemetery (635 Parliament Street, Toronto, Ontario, M4X 1R1)
The St. James Cemetery Remembrance Day Ceremony will take place onsite at St. James the Less Chapel, 635 Parliament Street, Toronto, beginning at 10:30am.
Please join us along with Toronto Police, Toronto Fire, Queens’s Own Rifles, St. George’s Society, St. James Cemetery Wardens, and municipal and federal politicians as we pause for 2 minutes of silence to commemorate and remember all our Veterans who fought and continue to fight so we have the freedoms we have and enjoy in Canada.
We pay tribute to those who have made personal contributions involving commitment, hardship, and sacrifice, and we remember in particular the tens of thousands of Canadians who paid the ultimate price in the First and Second World Wars, in Korea, in Afghanistan, and in dozens of peacekeeping missions all over the world, over the past 100 years.