November 2: A Service to Commemorate Our Departed Loved Ones

On November 2, 2023, St James Cemetery honorably hosted The Feast of All Souls.
The Reverend Canon Dr. Stephen Fields, The Very Reverend Peter Wall, and Music Director & Organist Thomas Bell were in attendance, and we would like to thank them for their support and friendship.
It was a wonderful service attended by members of our community and congregation and we thank all who assisted and participated.
May all our loved ones be remembered and rest in peace.


This year, there will be two services on All Souls’ Day – Thursday, November 2.

The first will be in the St. James-the-less Chapel (St. James Cemetery) at 10:00am (635 Parliament Street Toronto, Ontario) and the second at St. James Cathedral at 12:15pm.

Join us as we gather for these services of Holy Eucharist to remember our loved ones and all the faithful departed.

Names of departed loved ones will be read aloud at the service.

If you wish to include a name, please email or clearly print it in the All Souls Binder, which will be in the Cemetery Office (Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 3:00pm and Saturdays from 9:00am to 11:00am) by no later than Saturday, October 28.